Hello Customer, welcome to BM Innovations!

Refund and Returns Policy

Want to return your order? Don’t worry! With BM Innovations, you (as a customer), have from the day after receipt until Ten days thereafter to revoke the order. Once you have notified us that you wish to cancel your purchase, you have Ten days to return the order. You will receive your money back within a few days.

Important information on returns

  • The product must be returned complete and, where reasonably possible, in original and undamaged condition, together with the product packaging. The product packaging must, where reasonably possible, be returned, including all product stickers and must not be used as a shipping box. In the event that the product and/or the product packaging are damaged, we may charge for any reduction in value.
  • We may charge for a reduction in value where the packaging seal has been broken. This is because we cannot guarantee that these products are still fully functional, and we cannot sell them again. Sealed products are always fully tested by the manufacturer before dispatch to verify that the product functions properly before sealing.
  • The direct costs of returning a product will be borne by you (Customer).
  • If you withdraw from the agreement, you will receive all payments made up to that point, including delivery costs (with the exception of any additional costs resulting from the choice for a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us) back from us without delay and in any event not later than Ten days after we have been informed of your decision to withdraw. If you only return part of your order, delivery costs will not be refunded. We will return the money to the same payment method as you used for the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any charges for the refund. We may withhold your refund until we have received the product(s) or until you have provided evidence that you have returned the product(s), whichever comes first.
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